Not Crowing about how I come up with an Idea for a Novel. Let Me Count The Ways

One of the most often asked questions at my book signings, is where do you get your ideas? From life, I think. In Bleeding Blue I wanted to start the book with someone plotting to kill Billie Bly. This led to who would want to kill her and why? I did character sketches for each of the characters and added to them when they stumbled into my story. No outline per-se, The ideas came fast and furious and I wrote that way until I finished my book. My second book, The Facebook Killer, came to me from all of those people who posted about their vacation when they were still out of town. You know who you are. I started out with Billie chasing down some burglars who were taking advantage of the out-of-towners and decided to raise the bar by having Billie come across a serial killer also trolling for victims on Facebook. Next, I read a story about Amazon planning to use drones to deliver packages to our homes. My first thought was about getting decapitated by a drone when I walked out my front door. Billie opens the book Death From Above (Due soon in ebooks and paperback) dodging a drone while running early in the morning. The question is, why is someone flying drones in a public square in downtown Portland at four in the morning and what evil plot do they have in mind? And I'm off and writing, filling in the the plot gaps and doing more character sketches on each player. While walking with my wife a few days ago and lamenting I haven't come up with an idea for the fourth full book in the Billie Bly series, we came across a group of crows cawing up a storm. "Do you know what they call a group of crows?" I asked her? Pause for a minute for you to make a guess. Darn, you are correct. Answer: A Murder of Crows. I am considering making it the title of my next book. I like the sinister image it conjures in my mind. All I need is a spooky neighborhood and maybe a spooky house. I know each time a Murder of Crows start cawing, a body will be found. All I need is some ideas about the proper setting--it should be in Portland or somewhere in Oregon, but I'm open to any ideas you, the reader might have. Send me an email if you have some suggestions which would help me flesh out a full book. I need interesting villains, creepy crow hangouts and anything else the imagination can conjure.